whereas I happen to say that poem is a diamond. it is not about charm, shimmer or value but about its construction and genuine essence. about the essence of t e x t which, frankly, is the word that I do not find appropriate anymore - it is rather an embodied outcome of disembodied process of mind, graceful and full of light. it is the corporeal emanation of m i n d . once the impulse (both discursive or intuitive), something that seems imperceptible,crosses the mind-space - it acquires shape and becomes formed into words consisting structure. it goes far, beyond a simple line of words. it has its form, taste, density - p h e n o m e n a l nature. from now on it is an object that e x i s t s. also in the body.
once it emerges it fades away - because the process has also its aporetic dimension. once it is born it disappears. it disappears in order to step into another phase. it changes, therefore it exists.
it is vivid, it is fragile, it is vulnerable. it lasts. it takes its place within the factor of space and time.
it is like giving birth. it is arduous, it hurts sometimes.
but this is full of grace. ​this is love.
but this is full of grace. ​this is love.