Have you ever looked around and felt that the world works on a microcosmic:macrocosmic level - where everything is linked and echoed in each other?
"Harmonic Ratios" considers the mirroring and repetition
between two beauties of our planet: music and crystals.
Pythagoreans said that "all nature consists of harmony arising out of numbers”. This philosophy can be applied from crystals to chart toppers. Harmonic Ratios: Music, Maths and Crystals is an exhibition and talk that explores music’s mathematical and aesthetic harmony, drawing direct parallels to similarly structured forms in nature - specifically crystals.
The exhibition element of the project will examine and compare the power of mathematical patterns in these two things through their simultaneous and collaborative display. It will tap into both the logical and the emotional element of this area through music, sculpture, video and paintings.
The artists involved include award-winning designer, Lukas Wegwerth who creates intricate crystal vases, British electronic musician and painter, Sean Revell who has recently released a much anticipated limited edition CD in Sweden to good reviews, installation artist and boundary pusher, Daniel Stempfer whose strange and challenging works are currently travelling through Asia, and Spanish-born video and sound artist, Kalma whose marriage of music and image aims to be organic and true.
The work of these artists and more will be displayed in the large and exciting Neu West Berlin (http://neuwestberlin.com/), a place that itself continues to grow and multiply in a way not dissimilar to the crystallisation process. Neu West Berlin will also be hosting the talk element of the show which will take place in the adjacent room on the opening night (October 6th).
The Talk​
The panel will consist of musician, artist and head of TundoCurating, Juliette Wallace (as mediator), crystallographer Manfred Weiss, Musicologist Hilary Baker, and cultural expert Stefan Höppe.
The talk will take the niche subject of the study of crystals and music, as examined by figures including Edgar Varèse, C.S. Weiss and J. Grassman, and will draw the line between history and contemporary culture. It will make this small, academic field accessible to the wider public and will create a new lens by which to experience not just the linked exhibition, but the outside world and its many forms.
Ontop of the talk and fixed exhibition, there will be specially commissioned performances and film screenings throughout the project.
“Without the boundaries of rhythmic structure – a fundamental equal and regular arrangement of pulse repetition, accent, phrase and duration – music would not be possible.”